Alison Cooke has been teaching Therapeutic Touch to the staff at Ellesmere Leisureworld Nursing Home in Toronto. This is the second group, mainly nursing staff, to take Levels 1 & 2. Recognized practitioners Paula Neilson and Joseph McAleer have been hired to give Therapeutic Touch to their residents regularly. Both helped out with the two days at Ellesmere.
The staff at Leisureworld came to us through our new website. They were looking for a complementary therapy they could incorporate into their Activation and Nursing programs. They had thoroughly read the site before deciding to bring Therapeutic Touch to their establishment. Through our website they approached Crystal Hawk who made the initial presentation. Our new website is speaking to the general public about who we are and what we can offer. This is a dream come true for Alison and Crystal! Crystal is a co-founder of the TTNO and has always hoped to get Therapeutic Touch into the healthcare system. Alison has been providing Therapeutic Touch to residents of Stirling Manor Nursing Home for close to 20 years and has had the same dream.