2 interviews with Dee Krieger
Anniversary Greeting August 2011
A Visit with Dee August 2017
Price is for a hard copy
This product can also be downloaded for free here : Branch Handbook
The TTNO has produced Therapeutic Touch™: The DVD. This DVD explains Therapeutic Touch in a simple, informative way. A demonstration and explanation of a Therapeutic Touch session is included in the footage. This is a valuable resource for Hospices, Nursing Homes, Hospitals, Community Colleges and for practitioners of Therapeutic Touch.
1. Introduction
2. The Therapeutic Touch Story
3. A Therapeutic Touch Session with Commentary
4. A Therapeutic Touch Session without Commentary
You can custom order videos of TTNO Conferences and Teachers Day Workshops. Conferences have separate Part A and B, Teachers Day are combined. Select any combination you like and they will be sent to you on USB stick(s).
If you order more than three, a 15% discount will be applied!