Therapeutic Touch® is a modern application of ancient forms of healing which uses the laying-on of hands. In Therapeutic Touch, the practitioner uses his/her hands in the client's energy field to bring that field to balance and harmony. The client remains fully clothed, in a sitting or lying down position. Therapeutic Touch was developed in the early 1970's by Dolores Krieger, at the time a professor of nursing at New York University, and Dora Kunz, an intuitive with clairvoyant abilities. When Dolores Krieger and Dora Kunz met, the scientist and the intuitive joined forces to develop a method of healing
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Archives for Learn Section
Learn More About Workshops
The Therapeutic Touch Network of Ontario teaches Therapeutic Touch® in three basic levels, each level building on the previous one. To find a teacher near you click here. To see a calendar of workshops, click here. You can then find workshops by individual teachers or by location by clicking on the search icon at the top of the Events Calendar. After the three basic levels are completed, practitioners may further their learning with Continuing Education workshops. They may also decide to work toward becoming Recognized Practitioners. The Three Basic Levels LEVEL 1 An introduction to the practice of Therapeutic Touch
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Our Newsletter
The newsletter of The Therapeutic Touch Network of Ontario (TTNO), inTouch, is published quarterly and is emailed to members of the TTNO, subscribers throughout the world, and to other interested parties, organizations and institutions. The opinions and ideas expressed by the writers in this publication are their own and are not necessarily endorsed by the TTNO. Articles may be submitted at any time for consideration by our Editorial Committee. Submissions must be typed and preferably sent in the body of an email to the TTNO. If you are interested in submitting an article for the inTouch, you may download the file
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Research Bibliographies
Annotated Bibliographies of Published Therapeutic Touch® Research The TTNO has published two excellent resources to help you in your search for published Therapeutic Touch research. Consider adding these valuable resources to your library today! The Annotated Bibliography Published Therapeutic Touch™ Research 1975 to July 2004 was compiled by Theresa Moore, RN, MScN. More recent research has been compiled by Mei fei Elrick, PhD, in the Annotated Bibliography of Published Therapeutic Touch® Research July 2004 to July 2012. Donations to the TTNO would be greatly appreciated to support our Research Fund and the ongoing work of keeping this annotated bibliography current
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Touching Lives
Touching Lives This article was first published in "Sideroads", the Summer 2009 edition Karla Struyk has gained a whole new perspective on life since learning to do Therapeutic Touch. “It has given her a new way to connect with people on a level that doesn’t require speech,” says her mother Cathy Foyston. “It has also made her much more mature and confident.” Twenty-five-year-old Struyk, who has Down syndrome, has always been an active contributor to the Huntsville community. A former student of St. Mary’s and St. Dominic’s schools, she volunteers at the Early Years Centre, Huntsville and District Coop Nursery
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Research at a Glance
Research studies have found that Therapeutic Touch® reduces anxiety, regulates and supports the immune function, alters the perception of pain and encourages general healing. One of the earliest research studies on Therapeutic Touch was a study conducted by Dolores Krieger. Her research found that the hemoglobin levels of patients who received Therapeutic Touch increased. Since the early research done by Dolores Krieger, there continues to be a large number of Therapeutic Touch research studies being published.This website accordion lists the most recent Therapeutic Touch research under alphabetical categories, with shortened annotations. If you want to have a print copy of
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Workshop Quicklist
To help you find a workshop near you, we have posted the inTouch workshop summary file. Note - Workshops are as listed in the quarterly inTouch. Some workshop dates may change, but we try to keep the workshop summary up to date. You may also find all workshops listed on our workshop calendar page Click here for the most recent workshop summary published in our inTouch.
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Index of TTNO Documents Available from this Site
For your convenience we have provided links to all the downloadable files that are available on this website. Annotated Bibliography of Published Therapeutic Touch® Research July 2004 to July 2015 [August 2016] The Annotated Bibliography Published Therapeutic Touch™ Research 1975 to July 2004 [August 2016] Basic Information About Therapeutic Touch [March 2015] Benefits of Membership [March 2015] Case Study Template - Unsupervised [November 2014] College of Nurses of Ontario Complementary Therapies Guidelines 2014 Donation Form - Mail-in May 2016 There are 2 options: print and fill in offline OR fill in online, then print Ethics - TTNO Statement of Ethics New
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Practice Groups
About Therapeutic Touch Practice Groups A Therapeutic Touch® Practice Group is a place to increase your Therapeutic Touch skills in a supportive environment. To find a Practice Group in your area go to the Find Practice Groups section of this website. Most practitioners of Therapeutic Touch agree that being a member of a Practice Group has both increased and helped maintain their Therapeutic Touch skills. Meetings are usually held at a regular time once or twice a month for two or three hours, in the afternoon or evening. There is almost always the opportunity to give and receive a Therapeutic
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Learn How To Do Therapeutic Touch
Who Can Learn To Do Therapeutic Touch? Anyone with the compassionate intention to help or heal has the natural potential to learn this practice. It is a skill that requires sensitivity and needs to be practised initially with supervision and feedback. Since there are ever-deepening levels to Therapeutic Touch®, practitioners find that they continue to learn as long as they practise Therapeutic Touch. The Practice of Therapeutic Touch The practice of Therapeutic Touch is not limited to health care providers and has moved into the community. Practitioners include people of all ages in all walks of life. Practitioners who fulfill specific
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