Archives for News & Events

Napanee Seniors Learn About TT

On October 10, a small group of seniors, residents of the Red Tree Developments in Napanee, learned about Therapeutic Touch from Alison Cooke. A short PowerPoint introduction was shown and a demonstration provided. The group learned how to quiet their minds with a simple breathing exercise and discovered that they go beyond their skin as they explored their own energy fields.
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Journey to Peru to Learn Therapeutic Touch® or Deepen Your Experience of TT

Journey to Peru with Carol Cumes for a Spiritual Andean Adventure & Wellness Experience at Willka T'ika, the premier luxury retreat destination in the heart of Peru's Sacred Valley. This adventure includes a wonderful optional opportunity to learn the healing art of Therapeutic Touch® with our own TTNO Recognized Teachers JoAnne Campling and Arlene Cugelman, both registered nurses, who have been teaching and practicing this effective method for over 20 years. Joanne will be offering Level 1 training; Arlene will be offering her Advanced Therapeutic Touch® Workshop, "Silent Mind, Powerful Mind." The event takes place December 1-8, 2018. The workshops will be taught over four days of the program.
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Philip Feldberg Humanitarian Award

On July 19, Alison Cooke, RT, received the Philip Feldberg Humanitarian Award presented by the Stirling Manor where she has been providing Therapeutic Touch® for 26 years to those residents who request it. Stirling Manor has continued her contract for so many years because they have found that those who receive TT when first entering this long term care facility adjust better to the changes this has brought into their lives. As well, TT brings relaxation, a sense of well-being and better sleep patterns to those who receive it. For those residents with dementia related problems, TT can reduce anxiety
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David Maginley: Guest Speaker at TTNO Ottawa Branch Meeting

David Maginley in Ottawa June 12, 2018  When I heard that David  Maginley was going to be the keynote speaker at the Canadian Hospice and Palliative Care conference in Ottawa on June 14th,2018, I invited him to be our guest speaker at our TTNO Ottawa Branch meeting on June 12th. I was thrilled when he accepted my invitation. Great turn out, with 36 participants, 20 TT practitioners and other interested people. I am grateful to David for having taken the time to come and share his life’s journey and wisdom with us. It has given me hope and a better
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Therapeutic Touch for Members of Eastminster United Church

As a lead-up to Care150, on Sunday May 6, eight members of the Eastminster United Church Branch in Toronto, gave almost 20 Therapeutic Touch sessions to members of the congregation following church services. All of the recipients commented on how relaxed they felt afterwards.  Some said they felt relief from pain symptoms.  Members of the team include TT volunteers at Michael Garron Hospital and WellSpring. Today was a wonderful way to introduce Therapeutic Touch and raise awareness.
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Therapeutic Touch at Ottawa Loblaw’s Health Fair

Therapeutic Touch, come rain or shine or freezing rain!!! Loblaw’s dietician put on a health and wellness afternoon on February 23rd, 2018. Since we rent space at Loblaw’s for our TTNO Ottawa Branch meetings we were invited to participate in this event. On my way to this event I was feeling under the weather literally, it was freezing rain and I passed five car accidents and wondered what in the world am I doing here…. A core group of 5 TT practitioners participated and offered mini TT sessions. A big thank you to Gabrielle, Mariette, Suzanne and Mariann who came
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Penny Craig Makes the News

The Windsor Star highlighted Penny Craig, our TTNO Treasurer, in their April 14, 2018 issue. Penny has been volunteering with the Windsor and Essex County Hospice since 2003.  She has been a volunteer in various capacities since the early 1970’s. She is quoted in the article: “Most people who volunteer, act out of compassion and love for others and wanting to be of service. This is hospice, this is compassion, and, I daresay, it is the essence of what volunteering means…an hour to serve.” Click "Read More" to get the article here.
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TT Comfort Pillows at Eastminster United in Toronto

On December 5 at Eastminster United Church, Toronto, Branch members made Therapeutic Touch comfort pillows and donated them to the church. Sarah Miller, the Minister, will offer these pillows for people in need of support as part of her pastoral care.  Four of the participants are TT Practitioners and two are new to TT and recently attended the TT for Self-Care workshops Paula Neilson offered at Eastminster United Church.  It was a very special evening.
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