Level 2 Hamilton
HamiltonContact: Laura Pokoradi Phone: 905-517-2714 Email: [email protected] Recognized Teacher: Laura Pokoradi
Contact: Laura Pokoradi Phone: 905-517-2714 Email: [email protected] Recognized Teacher: Laura Pokoradi
Spend the afternoon with Diane May, RN, QTTT, RT For more information or to register click here
Contact: Deborah Gould Phone: 519-830-9770 Email: [email protected] Recognized Teacher: Deborah Gould
Contact: Deborah Gould Phone: 519-830-9770 Email: [email protected] Recognized Teacher: Deborah Gould
Contact: Deborah Gould Phone: 519-830-9770 Email: [email protected] Recognized Teacher: Deborah Gould
Contact: Jean Riddell Phone: 807-622-7790 Email: [email protected] Recognized Teacher: Jean Riddell
Location: Margaret Bahe Hospice, 653 Queen St, Newmarket Contact: Jim Metson Phone: Jim at 647-863-0095 Email: [email protected] www.mypalcare.org/workshops Recognized Teacher: Jim Metson & Nancy Hall Register online at Workshops | palcare (mypalcare.org)
Location: Margaret Bahe Hospice, 653 Queen St, Newmarket Contact: Jim Metson Phone: Jim at 647-863-0095 Email: [email protected] www.mypalcare.org/workshops Recognized Teacher: Jim Metson & Nancy Hall Register online at Workshops | palcare (mypalcare.org)
Foundations of Therapeutic Touch Contact: Julia von Flotow Phone: 416-686-6463 Email: [email protected] Recognized Teacher: Julia von Flotow
Contact: Laura Pokoradi Phone: 905-517-2714 Email: [email protected] Recognized Teacher: Laura Pokoradi