Learning Therapeutic Touch

Who Can Learn To Do Therapeutic Touch?

Anyone with the compassionate intention to help or heal has the natural potential to learn this practice. It is a skill that requires sensitivity and needs to be practiced initially with supervision and feedback. Since there are ever-deepening levels to Therapeutic Touch®, practitioners find that they continue to learn as long as they practice Therapeutic Touch.

The Practice of Therapeutic Touch

The practice of Therapeutic Touch has moved beyond health care providers into the community. Practitioners include people of all ages in all walks of life. Practitioners who fulfill specific requirements may become Recognized Practitioners of the TTNO. Some municipalities require licensing according to Municipal By-Laws.

Learning Therapeutic Touch

Learning Therapeutic Touch is a natural human potential. This means that it can be learned and practiced by anyone who has the intent to do so. This natural potential requires a learned sensitivity and needs to be initially practiced with supervision and feedback. The three core workshops in Therapeutic Touch address the cognitive and experiential aspects of the modality. Find a teacher.

The Therapeutic Touch Network of Ontario has produced a DVD,  Therapeutic Touch™ - The DVD, designed as an educational view of Therapeutic Touch as developed by Dolores Krieger and Dora Kunz. You may order this from the TTNO office.

For more information about Therapeutic Touch please go to our Frequently Asked Questions section.

Developing Competency

Competency of the practitioner is gained through practice and continued study as well as participation in community TTNO Branches, attending retreats, Professional Development Days and more. Beginners are encouraged to practice on themselves, family, and friends. The number of years a person has been actively practicing Therapeutic Touch is the best indicator of competence.

Workshops in Therapeutic Touch

Workshops are available from individual Recognized Teachers and through Community Colleges and health care institutions. Each of the three core workshops involve a minimum of eight hours of theory and supervised practice. It is suggested that students of Therapeutic Touch repeat the three core workshops with a variety of Recognized Teachers, since all bring their own individual and specific experience into their teaching.  All workshops are listed on our Events and Workshop Calendar  or, if you wish, you may download the document that lists all available workshops. As well, once a student has completed the core workshops, they may choose to take Continuing Education Workshops offered by many teachers.

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