Our Newsletter
The newsletter of The Therapeutic Touch Network of Ontario (TTNO), inTouch, is published quarterly and is emailed to members of the TTNO, subscribers throughout the world, and to other interested parties, organizations and institutions. The opinions and ideas expressed by the writers in this publication are their own and are not necessarily endorsed by the TTNO.
Articles may be submitted at any time for consideration by our Editorial Committee. Submissions must be typed and preferably sent in the body of an email to the TTNO. If you are interested in submitting an article for the inTouch, you may download the file TTNO Writing Tips.
inTouch offers in each issue:
- Articles of interest to, and by, those who practise Therapeutic Touch® throughout the world.
- Messages from the Canadian Therapeutic Touch Networks Coordinators
- "The Therapeutic Touch Word Is Out", a column describing where our members have been introducing Therapeutic Touch to their community
- "Our Therapeutic Touch Experiences"
- Book Reviews - "So Many Books, So Little Time!"
- "Questions and Answers" About Therapeutic Touch
- The Research Page
- A list of Recognized Teachers in all Canadian Networks
- A list of TTNO Branches in Ontario
- Information about the annual Fall Event and Annual General Meeting, TTNO activities, board and committee reports
- A listing of all Professional Development Days and TTNO approved workshops available in Ontario