Community Outreach Documents

Our Therapeutic Touch Awareness Week 2024 documents are now available. All our documents are updated with the new international logo at the right top of the document. Please download the most current version. 

We have organized the files so that they are easy to locate. Any new documents are noted as "New 2025".

Don't forget to register for this year's workshop March 5, "Spiralling Back to the Basics: Going Deeper"

Community Partner Planning Documents

These documents will help you contact community partners, and thank them when your outreach activity is over. Our Therapeutic Touch Awareness Week outreach activity census will be done by Survey Monkey. Please do the survey when you receive it - our statistics are important.

Banners for Display Boards

There are lots of banners you can use for your display board and an example board as well. Banners are formatted in landscape orientation to be displayed at the top of your display board.

MS CAMPAIGN: May is MS Awareness Month - This is a good time to contact your local MS Society division to talk about the benefits of Therapeutic Touch.

Brochure for MS campaign - Best printed in colour. If you cannot provide brochures, you may want to print the testimonials and add them to your Board instead.
Poster Coping with MS
Testimonials for Display Board
Telephone Script Example - to contact MS Society to arrange an introductory talk
Introductory Letter Example - to arrange an introductory talk