Dear New Member,
Welcome to the Therapeutic Touch Network of Ontario (TTNO)! We are so pleased that you have decided to join our Therapeutic Touch® community. Once we have received your application form and payment, you will begin to receive an electronic copy of our quarterly newsletter, inTouch, as well as information about how to access the Members Only section of the website. New members who apply after September 30 in any year will be registered for the following full year and will also receive immediate access to the benefits of membership for the year in which they register.
If you are joining as a General or External member, make sure to sign your name in the space provided for “required signature” as well as for the optional inclusion in this year’s Directory of Members. You will also need to sign the “Statement of Ethics and Conduct” (page 2). We are happy to offer you your first year of membership at half price ($32.50 plus HST). Your second year will be paid at the regular membership price of $65.00 plus HST.
If you are joining as an Associate Member, you need only to complete your contact information. The “Education, Branch Meetings or Volunteers Sections” of the application form are not required, You will begin receiving your electronic copies of the newsletter immediately following the processing of your payment.
If you choose to receive a hard copy of the inTouch newsletter, please indicate this and include the extra cost of $35.00 with your payment.
For assistance with your application please contact the TTNO Office at 416-649-5885 on Tuesday and Thursday from 10 AM to 5 PM.
Payment options include:
Complete the New Member Application and Ethics Forms and return them along with your payment to:
The Therapeutic Touch Network of Ontario
10 Four Seasons Place, Suite 1000
Toronto, ON M9B 6H7
Download the New Member Application and Ethics Forms from the website onto your computer, complete, sign and then save the file with a unique name. You can then email it as an attachment to the TTNO office at [email protected]. Then, phone the TTNO office at the number above with your credit card information to complete the process.
Fill in the required information using the online New Membership Application Form. Once completed, you will be redirected to the website's New Member Payment Page for payment using major credit cards or PayPal. NOTE that you don't need to have or use a PayPal account, you can just click the "Continue as Guest" option. Please also note the online form is not optimised for mobile phones due to technical constraints, tablet or desktop is recommended.
Once again, welcome to the TTNO! We are thrilled to have you in our network of Therapeutic Touch practitioners.
Debra Brear
Chair, TTNO