Online Store Frequently Asked Questions
What is the Online Store?
The Online Store allows you to order TTNO products, then pay for them online or later by e-transfer or cheque.
What are the benefits of ordering online?
- Tax and shipping are calculated automatically!
- All product information is in the same place.
- Product discounts are clearly advertised and calculated automatically.
Can I still order manually using the PDFs?
Absolutely. The links are included in the Members and Non-members sections.
Why are there separate areas for Members and Non-members?
Certain products are only available for members, and others have exclusive member discounts.
How do you know if I'm a member?
We decided not to make people log in to purchase items. Your status will be verified once the order is received by the office.
If you purchase Members only items and you are not a member, the office will cancel your order and refund your payment.
Why do some products say Select Options or View Products instead of Add to Cart?
These products require more information. Some have input fields, others are composed of sub-products.
What payment options are available?
If you wish to pay online, we currently use PayPal as an interface. NOTE that you don't need to have or use a PayPal account, you can just click the "Continue as Guest" option. Major credit cards are supported. PayPal sends payment acknowledgement almost immediately, so this is usually the fastest method.
You also have the option of completing the order online, then paying separately using your existing e-transfer process or via cheque. The order will be processed once the e-payment or cheque is received. Instructions are clearly marked if you select one of these methods in the "Checkout" page, and are repeated on the acknowledgement email you will receive.
Can I order more than one item at a time?
Yes, this is fully supported. After you hit the "add to cart" button, you will be sent to the Cart Page.
You can increase or decrease the number of items, or cancel the items.
NOTE that volume discounts will be calculated and displayed when you hit the "Update Cart" button.
How is shipping calculated?
Each item has been assigned one of four flat rates. If you order more than one class of item, the larger one will be used. For example, if you order a "small" item and a "medium" one, only the "medium" flat rate charge will apply. Shipping and tax will be calculated once you have entered your address.
You also have the option of Local Pickup, where no charges will apply.
Do you ship to outside Canada?
You cannot ship outside of Canada using the Online Store. Please call the office at 416-649-5885.
What if I have problems or questions?
Please send an email to [email protected] with any ideas/comments/concerns!
We'd be pleased to help.