Therapeutic Touch Links - Canada and Beyond

Where Therapeutic Touch is Offered in Ontario

These are just a few of the facilities in Ontario where Therapeutic Touch is offered. If you would like to be listed here please contact the webmaster.

Bethell Hospice - Holistic Services

Carpenter Hospice (Burlington) - Wellness Programs

Dorothy Ley Hospice - Etobicoke - Integrative Wellness Program

Evergreen Hospice (Thornhill) - Supportive Services

Heart House Hospice - Mississauga - Program List

Toronto East General Hospital - Information page.

St. Joseph's Hospice - London - Program List [Volunteers have a minimum of 3 levels of TT, are attending TTNO Branch meetings, growing in integrity, skill and knowledge. The majority of our volunteers are RP’s and members of the TTNO.]

Wellsprings - London/Halton - Program List

Hospice Wellington - Complementary Modalities

Hospice of Waterloo Region - Client Services

Hospice of Windsor and Essex County - Wellness Centre

In Nova Scotia - Cancer Care Nova Scotia The Sunshine Room

In Germany St. Joseph Krankenhaus Berlin Tempelhof

Other Canadian Networks

Therapeutic Touch Networks of Canada / Les Réseaux Toucher Thérapeutique du Canada

Contact: Betty Whitney
Email: [email protected]

This is the umbrella organization for all regional Therapeutic Touch networks in Canada.

The British Columbia Therapeutic Touch Network Society (BCTTNS)

Click here for the official website of the British Columbia Therapeutic Touch Network, listing teachers, workshops and practice groups available.

Prairie Network now combines Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba networks

Click here for the official website of the Prairie Therapeutic Touch Society.

Quebec Therapeutic Touch / Le Réseau du Toucher Thérapeutique du Québec

Website (English):

The Atlantic Therapeutic Touch Network / Le Réseau Toucher Thérapeutique de l'Atlantique (ATTN)

Click here for the official website of the Therapeutic Touch Network covering New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island and Newfoundland.

Other Therapeutic Touch Organizations Outside of Canada

Therapeutic Touch® International Association This international organization, founded by Dr. Dolores Krieger, supports many healing modalities with a major focus on Therapeutic Touch™ and acts as a gathering place for information on this healing modality throughout the world.

Pumpkin Hollow Farm In Upper New York State where students/practitioners/teachers gather to study Therapeutic Touch™ at various workshops and gatherings. Contact: [email protected] for brochure.

Camp Indralaya On Orcas Island, Washington, where students/practitioners/teachers gather to study Therapeutic Touch™ at various workshops and gatherings. Contact: [email protected] for brochure.

Northwest Therapeutic Touch Institute Non-profit institute for teaching Therapeutc Touch based in the Northwest United States. Their mission is to continue to enhance and support the practice and study of Therapeutic Touch, and to work towards providing Therapeutic Touch to those who request it.

Therapeutic Touch Professional Association/Seattle and Puget Sound Area The Therapeutic Touch Professional Associates (TTPA) organization is a non-profit organization. TTPA is a satellite chapter of Therapeutic Touch International (TTI), Inc.  Their purpose is to enlarge and advance the knowledge and understanding of Therapeutic Touch in the Puget Sound region of the United States.

The official website of the Therapeutic Touch Association of Australasia, Inc.

For Therapeutic Touch in the United Kingdom, please visit

German visitors, please visit Therapeutic Touch Deutschland

Visitors from the Netherlands and Belgium, please visit

Other Sites of Interest

Canadian Holistic Nursing Association The objective of the Association is to further the development of holistic nursing practice in order to ensure that professional health maintenance and promotion services are made available to the people of Canada. Click on link to learn more.

Complementary Therapies Nurses Interest Group The Complementary Therapies Nurses Interest Group (CTNIG) of the Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario supports, acts as a resource for and raises the profile of nurses who practice Complementary Therapies.

Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario The Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario (RNAO) is the professional association representing registered nurses in Ontario. RNAO interest groups, such as  the CTNIG (see above) represent a unique specialty or population within the nursing spectrum. Together they illustrate the remarkable diversity of the profession. They offer a range of professional resources and support, both personal and sometimes financial, through bursaries and awards.

New Dimensions This fascinating organization has regular radio broadcasts throughout North America, a newsletter and a site which introduces you to some of the leading edge thinkers of our time. Each month two of their speakers can be downloaded on site and listened to without charge.

The International Society for the Study of Subtle Energy and Energy Medicine (ISSSEEM) This organization is bringing together leading researchers in the fields of subtle energy and medicine energy, consciousness and wellness with clinicians, healers and 'ordinary people' who are using subtle energies in their daily lives and want to further explore possibilities. They accept Therapeutic Touch™ as the physical manifestation of subtle energies.

The Institute of Noetic Science Noetic means "knowing". Founded by Edgar Mitchell when he returned from his Apollo 14 Mission, this is an outstanding organization with 50,000 world wide members and community groups in many North American cities. Members connect at the Noetic Café.

French visitors PasseportSanté is the largest french language web site dedicated to integrated medicine. Among its many sections, it presents a very large database of thousand of therapists, training centers, wellness centers, etc., a virtual clinic where one can get real answers to health problems by specialists, weekly news on scientific researchs regarding integrative medicine and a resource guide of therapies with facts sheets, articles and links to the best specialised sites. It's in this section that TTNO is listed under the «toucher thérapeutique» listing.

Passeportsanté est le principal site en français consacré B la jonction de la médecine conventionnelle et des approches alternatives de santé. On y trouve (entre autres) une banque de données sur des intervenants, des centres de formation et des centres de santé, une clinique virtuelle oj des spécialistes répondent aux questions de santé et un guide des thérapies comprenant des fiches de base sur les différentes approches, des liens sur les meilleurs sites spécialisés et des articles de référence. C'est dans cette section que se trouve le lien sur le TTNO sous la rubrique «toucher thérapeutique».

Nursing Home Abuse This site has an incredible amount of good information about this serious concern. Elder abuse, particularly when it involves a patient in a residential care facility, can be difficult to detect. For every reported case of abuse, more than five cases may go unreported.

The University of Minnesota Center for Spirituality & Healing and Charlson Meadows website. This site, "Taking Charge of Your Health and Wellbeing", explores the concept of wellbeing and includes integrative healing practices for healthcare. This link takes you to the section describing Therapeutic Touch. Explore the whole website for insights into how to achieve a sense of wellbeing.

CAN BE WELL is the Canadian Association of Bioenergetic Wellness. It is a national voice for those of us involved with the variety of energy healing modalities across Canada.  The website is upbeat and a user friendly calendar of a variety of upcoming courses/presentations many of which are free to members.

CAMEO - Complementary Medicine and Outcomes Program, University of Manitoba. CAMEO studies the complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) needs of people living with cancer, their support persons, and health care providers. It then develops education courses and lectures, published documents, and individualized institutional or organizational programs to help address those needs. CAMEO’s research includes evaluating the use and usefulness of those developed resources and education programs.

Consciousness and Healing Initiative - CHI gathered over 60 experts in the field to create the Systems Mapping Project for Biofield Science and Healing. This link takes you to the page where you can download the full report: Energy and Biofield Healing: Evidence, Practice and Future Directions. On page 32 there is a graph that compares the number of published peer-reviewed research studies for 10 complementary healing modalities. Energy Psychology and Therapeutic Touch lead the field!

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